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[发布日期]:2016-08-29  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking and Finance 72 (2016) 133–150


作者:Robert J. Bianchi, Michael E. Drew , JohnHua Fan (Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Griffith Business School, Griffith University)



Commodities momentum: A behavioral perspective

Robert J. Bianchi, Michael E. Drew , JohnHua Fan (Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Griffith Business School, Griffith University)

Abstract: The growth in commodity-related investments has sparked interest in the performance of momentum strategies in these markets. This paper introduces a behavioral proxy of the 52-week high and low momentum that explains a significant proportion of the variation of conventional momentum returns after controlling for commodity specific risk factors. Our findings show that the 52-week high strategy generates significant profits after accounting for transaction costs. We report that the 52-week high strategy is a better predictor of returns than conventional momentum. Our findings suggest that term structure and hedging pressure risk factors provide only a partial explanation of the results.

Keywords: 52-week high momentum; Term structure; Hedging pressure; Conservatism; Adaptive markets; Liquidity




上一条:【FM】高特质波动与低回报:基于前景理论的解释 下一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】主动份额和共同基金表现
