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[发布日期]:2016-10-10  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking & Finance ·Volume 64, March 2016, Pages 1-15


作者:Ethan Namvara (Haas School of Business, University of California), Blake Phillipsb (School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo), Kuntara Pukthuanthongc (Robert Trulaske Sr. College of Business, University of Missouri), P. Raghavendra Raud (University of Cambridge, Trumpington)



Do hedge funds dynamically manage systematic risk?

Ethan Namvara (Haas School of Business, University of California), Blake Phillipsb (School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo), Kuntara Pukthuanthongc (Robert Trulaske Sr. College of Business, University of Missouri), P. Raghavendra Raud (University of Cambridge, Trumpington)


Defining systematic risk management (SRM) skill as persistently low fund systematic risk, we find evidence of time varying allocation of hedge fund management effort across the business cycle. In weak market states, skilled managers focus on minimization of systematic risk via dynamic reallocations across asset classes at the cost of fund alpha and foregoing market timing opportunities. As markets strengthen, attention shifts to asset selection within consistent asset classes. The superior performance of low systematic risk funds previously documented arises due to the superior asset selection ability of managers in strong market states. Incremental allocations by investors arise due to this superior performance and not due to recognition of SRM skill.

Keywords:Hedge funds, Systematic risk, Alternative investments, Correlation risk




上一条:【JPM】关于资产类别层面价值和动量应用的案例研究 下一条:【CFR】不确定性与估值
