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[发布日期]:2016-11-13  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management, Fall2016, Vol 45 Issue 3, p641-674.


作者:Jason Wei (Department of Management, University of Toronto), Xing Zhou (Federal Reserve Board)


Informed Trading in Corporate Bonds Prior to Earnings Announcements.

Jason Wei (Department of Management, University of Toronto), Xing Zhou (Federal Reserve Board)


This paper examines the information content of corporate bond trading prior to earnings announcements using data from both NAIC and TRACE. We find that the direction of pre-announcement bond trading is closely related to earnings surprises. This link is most evident prior to negative news and in high-yield bonds. Further, abnormal bond trading during the pre-announcement period can help predict both earnings surprises and post-announcement bond returns. Such predictive ability of bond trading largely originates from institutional-sized trades and is concentrated in the issuer's most actively traded bond. Finally, even after accounting for transactions costs, informed bond trading can generate significant net profits, especially prior to the release of bad news.




上一条:【JCF】股利变更与股价信息含量 下一条:【JPM】评估Beta预测的准确性
